Spring Fever

Spring Fever

It’s such a delight, seeing the robins return and the other signs of spring emerge around us! After a long, long winter, combined with the isolation and self-seclusion/preservation of the COVID epidemic, I am more than ready to get outside and start fishing! Yay!

As for myself, I am fortunate enough to belong to a private fishing club.  I also live near many great streams and lakes that provide some great afternoon fishing. And in my backyard is the prize of them all… the great Delaware River.  As I have written in the past, the river offers many opportunities for a wide range of fish species.  As of right now, the shad are running; they have made their way up the river, but as the temperatures rise, they will be even more abundant.  With all these options, trying to decide where to start fishing before trout season begins is a problem that I don’t mind at all.

During this long and dark winter, I found myself keeping up my fishing spirits by cleaning and preparing my rods and reels.  I make sure that the reels are running smoothly, I check for frail lines and replace if needed,     and I make sure that I have an ample supply of hooks, sinkers, and lures. And in order to survive the winter doldrums, my wife, feeling sorry for me, even got me the sportsman’s package on cable television, which has been a saving grace during these gloomy months and trying times.  On these channels, I can watch everything from bass fishing to sail fishing all around the world, and I can escape the dreary winter by imagining that I’m with the fishermen! Actually, I am a bit jealous at the jobs they have, traveling around the world, doing what I love – fishing, and getting paid to do so! In any event, it’s nice to keep up watching the bass tournaments that are heating up down in the South United States, even as I write this.  If you haven’t already, check these channels out; you might enjoy them!

Shortly, I won’t have to dream about fishing because I’ll be in my own realm, fishing my favorite haunts and trying to find that new perfect spot.  Seeking this fishing perfection will never end…and that’s the fun of it!

April 10 is the beginning of the New Jersey trout season – good luck to all!  Be safe, enjoy, and here’s hoping that you catch a nice stringer full!

