Fishing Post COVID-19

Fishing Post COVID-19

Fishing in the COVID-19 world will present some challenges, to say the least.  We will have to fish farther apart from each other, making sure that we adhere to the social-distancing restrictions.  Bringing masks and sanitizing wipes along with all our other fishing equipment will be just that much more we have to think about and prepare for.

However, I myself find the idea of distancing from other fishermen intriguing because these restrictions will force us to seek the unbeaten path that we may have overlooked before this situation arose.  These newly discovered spots might provide a fisherman one heck of a day.  Maybe it will become another favorite fishing hole — a quiet spot with solitude, with clear cool water and plenty of fish for the taking.  These unknown spots might end up providing us with the best fishing memories and wonderful days spent on the water, engaged in our favorite hobby.

The effort of discovery is well worth it.  It has paid off for me many, many times.  In my fifty-plus years of fishing experience, in both fresh and salt water, I have found that it is often the newly discovered fishing spots that, although may be quite a hike to get to, have produced some trophy fish throughout my career.  These experiences can be truly worth our energy. Like anything else in life, you have to put forth the effort to see and feel the results.

So, be safe, fellow anglers, keep your chin up, and know that better fishing days are ahead…maybe in a new spot that you will discover because of COVID-19!